
Addicted To His Pheromone Chapter 14: Is safe to taste When he spoke, his consciousness was blurred, and he couldn't recognize the person he was holding was Jiang Can. He just instinctively felt that the pheromone he smelled was very safe. "I feel terrible." His voice was hoarse, as if he was trying to suppress something. Jiang Can was stunned for a while, hesitant to reach out, but finally she hugged Yan Shi's thin body. Yan Shi's body was so hot, Jiang Can just hugged him for a few minutes, but she felt like she was going to be heated. Jiang Can regained her senses, patted Yan Shi's back lightly, and whispered in Yan Shi's ear: "Be patient, I'll take you away." A word may have become a reassurance, or it may be that Yan Shi really couldn't bear the discomfort of his body, he suddenly lost his strength, and the whole person fainted. Jiang Can's eyes are fast, and she hugs the person tightly in her arms, for fear of slipping off. Jian
Addicted To His Pheromone Chapter 13: In Distress More than half an hour later, Qi Zhan came out of the office building and drove away, but he didn't come down when he spoke. It is really uncomfortable that the sky is half dark now, but the wind that smells of earth is blowing, obviously it means it is going to rain. Jiang Can watched the people who had just been divided into three groups get together slowly. They seemed to discuss something. One of them stayed, and the rest went into the office building of Ruifeng Office. Jiang Can watched the man who was downstairs holding the wind took a cigarette and put it in his mouth. Taking advantage of his effort to draw out the lighter, Jiang Can quickly ran forward, snatched the cigarette from his mouth, raised her eyebrows at the man, went around behind the man, and passed her hands around from behind, grabbing the man's neck. "Who!" The sky was getting darker and darker, Jiang Can's speed was extremely fast, and the m
  I'm So Weak Chapter 2: I'm so lucky Xiao Rou carried 20 shopping bags to the gate of the community. The two lived very close to each other. She took two of them herself, and gave the rest to Jia Zhuang, saying, "Weak Os should treat themselves better." Jia Zhuang fell in love with Xiao Rou's generosity and strength, and said, "I will." At night, Xiao Rou suddenly cried and called Jia Zhuang, in a hoarse voice. If not Jia Zhuang knew that Xiao Rou was a fierce A, he would have thought that she is a weak O. Jia Zhuang rushed to Xiao Rou's house. After Xiao Rou opened the door for him, he rushed to the table. Jia Zhuang asked, "What's wrong?" "There are cockroaches!" Jia Zhuang: "..." "I'm so scared. Ah! I'm too weak, I dare not touch that thing!" It seemed that she was overwhelmed by fear and forgot her character. Jia Zhuang found the cockroach and killed it with his slippers. Xiao Rou suddenly felt
I'm So Weak Chapter 1: I'm so weak ABO features appear after the age of 18. Xiao Rou always thought she would be a weak O. She was born with a princess dream. She bought herself a lot of beautiful and cute little skirts, painted beautiful makeup, and gained a lot of face value fans on the Internet by virtue of her beauty. Until she woke up in the morning at the age of eighteen, smelled mint in the room, and found a penis that had grown overnight under her body. Jia Zhuang always thought he would be a fierce A. He was born with a tough guy dream. He spent four hours exercising everyday, developed eight-pack abs, gave himself a beard, and looked very heroic. Until he woke up in the morning at the age of eighteen, smelled osmanthus in the room, and found that his beard disappeared overnight, and oh, also his abs. Xiao Rou is forced to accept the reality that she is not an O. Her height climbed up like stepping on Hot Wheels, from 160 to 180 in a month. She couldn't wear the sm
I'm So Weak Summary A beautiful girl who was inspired to be an O was differentiated into an A at the age of 18. A beautiful boy who was educated to be an A from childhood to adulthood differentiated into an O at the age of 18. Female A: Can you help others carry this bag~ Male O: Give it to me. Take two steps, panting. Female A: What's the matter with you, little brother? Male O: I'm sorry, I'm too weak. I'm weak, I'm really a weak man. Next>
Once Young Chapter 1: Rui Chu Section 10 That night, when every household was watching "Bao Qingtian", Qin Chuan and I sneaked to Brother Xin Yuan's pigeon cage together. "You... why are you here?" Qin Chuan stammered and asked me. "I still want to ask you!" I did not show weakness. We both stood staring at each other, neither of us moving first. The TV in the house was already playing the music of "Yesterday was like that easterly water, you can't stay away from me", I was itching to know what was tied to Xiaobai's legs, so hurriedly went back to see Zhan Guard. But Qin Chuan didn't mean to leave at all, and hummed "yesterday your family was flooded, and your father became an old turtle" as if angry at me. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I patted Qin Chuan: "Hey, do you want to see Xiaobai too? Let's hang the hook and don't let Brother Xin Yuan know!" "Don't lie for a hundred years!"
  He's On The Street Oneshot This is the famous red-light district of S City, and it is a legally operated underground industry. My head is dizzy. I drank too much alcohol just now to accompany a client. Although I vomited once, I still feel uncomfortable. Fortunately, they found the young lady in advance so that they could have more entertainment activities, otherwise they would not be able to spend the night easily. I squinted my eyes and tried to distinguish the feasting in front of me, so as not to let myself bump into others, but I smelled a strong inferior fragrance in my nose, and all kinds of soft and twisted hawking also spread in. The women scratched their heads and gestures to seek patrons, and there were also many men standing on the street, their faces were calm and seemed to be accustomed to everything. I saw a man leaning against a bare red brick wall, sunk into a black mink coat, only revealing a delicate razor-sharp jaw, wearing white gloves that did not match the
He's On The Street Summary The once fiery feelings can now be bought for a thousand dollars. Just a thousand bucks. Next>
  Childhood  Sweetheart Oneshot 1 year old "Lao Hua, my mother has returned to my hometown these two days. My family and I have to work overtime today. Can I entrust you to take care of Xiao Yu? We will pick her up immediately after work." "No problem. Neighbours, taking care of one is to take care of the two. Your Xiao Yu is so well -behaved that she don't bother at all. It's not like my family. Alas, it's only a few days away from the birthday, why is there so much difference? Just let my family Xiao Yun learn, how can a girl be so noisy." The little girl in pink children's clothes was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, but just after her parents put the unfamiliar baby boy next to her, the girl woke up and started crying without a word. The parents were grimacing and prepared to spend another half an hour coaxing people to sleep, but this time the savior came. The boy was so harassed that he didn't even open his eyes. He frowned and slappe
Childhood Sweetheart Summary This is a love story between a cute and lovely female Alpha and a mature and stable male Omega under the ABO world view. Next>
  Addicted To His Pheromone Chapter 12: The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind "Boss." The person who saw it was not a good person. Although Rongrong knew her boss' ability, but there were a lot of people, Rongrong was still worried. Jiang Can smiled, reached out and patted Rongrong's head: "It's alright, I know what to do, you can go quickly." The faint smell of lime and mint slowly dissipated from Jiang Can's body, and Rong Rong felt a special sense of security after smelling it. Seeing Jiang Can's confident appearance, Rongrong could only obediently change clothes with the clerks and leave the store as quickly as possible. Seeing that her employees had all left safely, Jiang Can heaved a sigh of relief and walked over to the people who came with the drink list. "How many do you want to come? The store is about to close, and the clerks are all off work. It's too difficult to do it for the time being." When Jiang Can s
  Once Young Chapter 1:Rui Chu Section 9 When we were playing the pot game, I was divided with Qin Chuan. There is no benefit to being with him at all. He will always be against me. As long as it is related to me, he will act against me, and he will not distinguish between enemies and me at all. So from the time he drew the line on the ground, he picked on me for not being able to kick the slalom bag thrown by Qin Qian, and it was all my fault. "I won't play with you if you can't kick it anymore!" When I stood in front of the "pot" drawn by the white line again, Qin Chuan shouted fiercely from the side. Qin Qian smiled and fiddled with the sandbags back and forth. My eyes were not separated for a moment, staring at her whether she threw it to the left or to the right, and I was almost sweating. "Qiao qiao, you look good!" Just as Qin Chuan was pointing fingers, Qin Qian threw the bag to the left. Affected by Qin Chuan, my body had already turned to
  Addicted To His Pheromone Chapter 11: Bad visitor Dong dong dong, three knocks on the glass sounded, Jiang Can and Yan Shi turned their heads to look outside at the same time, only to see Guan Shaocheng appearing outside at an unknown time. Jiang Can was startled when she saw Guan Shaocheng, and waved her hand to let him in. Guan Shaocheng nodded slightly as he smiled and said the same thing, and strode into the store. "I said that people keep asking me how much it costs to make custom clothes in my store recently. It seems that your friend who picked up your phone the other day is asking." As soon as Guan Shaocheng came in, he said this to Jiang Can. Just in time, Rongrong made the coffee again and sent it to Jiang Can. Jiang Can said nothing and took a sip of coffee. "I was in a hurry last time, and I didn't have time to say hello. Hello, I'm Guan Shaocheng, who grew up together with Xiao Can. This dress of yours was made in our shop, isn't it good?"