Addicted To His Pheromone

Chapter 11: Bad visitor

Dong dong dong, three knocks on the glass sounded, Jiang Can and Yan Shi turned their heads to look outside at the same time, only to see Guan Shaocheng appearing outside at an unknown time.

Jiang Can was startled when she saw Guan Shaocheng, and waved her hand to let him in.

Guan Shaocheng nodded slightly as he smiled and said the same thing, and strode into the store.

"I said that people keep asking me how much it costs to make custom clothes in my store recently. It seems that your friend who picked up your phone the other day is asking."

As soon as Guan Shaocheng came in, he said this to Jiang Can.

Just in time, Rongrong made the coffee again and sent it to Jiang Can. Jiang Can said nothing and took a sip of coffee.

"I was in a hurry last time, and I didn't have time to say hello. Hello, I'm Guan Shaocheng, who grew up together with Xiao Can. This dress of yours was made in our shop, isn't it good?"

Guan Shaocheng stretched out his hand towards Yan Shi. Although Guan Shaocheng was not very friendly to Yan Shi last time, this time it was Guan Shaocheng who took the initiative, and he always had to give face when speaking.

"Hello, I'm Yan Shi, the suit is very good, and I will be there to support you when I have the opportunity."

"I know you, Attorney Yan, you are also very famous in the domestic legal circle. Come to the store and look for me in the future. Xiao Can's friends are my friends. I will give you a discount when that time comes."

Jiang Can's conversation with Yan Shi was not very pleasant. After all, what Yan Shi said downstairs at his house that day was quite absolute.

Jiang Can is not the kind of person who messes around, so she now thinks that she and Yan Shi are probably not even friends.

Hearing Guan Shaocheng's words, Jiang Can only felt a little ironic, but they couldn't stand it any longer. They complimented each other.

Jiang Can stretched out her foot and kicked Guan Shaocheng lightly, and glared at him by the way.

Pushing the kraft paper bag on the table in the direction of Yan Shi, Jiang Can said:

"Lawyer Yan, I made it very clear just now. If you really feel bad about it, return the clothes. I will definitely not accept the money."

When the words fell, Jiang Can got up and went directly to the second floor.

Yan Shi looked at the kraft paper bag on the table, picked it up and put it in his briefcase.

Originally wanted to leave, but before he could leave, Guan Shaocheng stopped him when he spoke.

"Do you have time Lawyer Yan? My friend has a very difficult matter in his hands. Why don't you help him come up with an idea?"

Anything that can be dealt with by Yan Shi must be related to Yan Shi's work. Although Yan Shi has two unfinished cases, Guan Shaocheng is Jiang Can's friend after all, and Jiang Can has helped Yan Shi several times. He always remembers her goodness.

"Then Mr. Guan and I will go back to the office. Let's talk in my office."

Guan Shaocheng nodded, made a gesture of please, walked in front of him when he spoke, and the two walked out of the coffee shop one after the other.

Jiang Can went directly to her room after going up to the second floor. Although the windows of Jiang Can's bedroom were all black from the outside of the building, from the inside, the windows of Jiang Can's bedroom were no different from ordinary transparent windows.

Jiang Can clearly looked at Guan Shaocheng and entered the opposite office building one after the other. Jiang Can quickly took out her mobile phone and sent Guan Shaocheng a WeChat, but he didn't reply for a long time.

After looking at the window for more than ten minutes, she didn't see Guan Shaocheng come out. Jiang Can didn't want to watch it. Who knew that before she left, Jiang Can saw a few men with third grades of Wuhan University already in the coffee shop and the opposite office building. In the middle of the street, they walked back and forth five or six times.

Jiang Can took a closer look, only to realize that they have been wandering around this street these days, and they seem to be discussing what to do.

It is absolutely impossible to say that they are passing by. The office buildings are all full of office workers. Looking at the posture of those people, they don't look like white-collar workers at all.

And during this time, most of the people are at work, and whoever has nothing to do will go back and forth endlessly.

Jiang Can felt a little puzzled, and after looking at it for a while, she realized that they seemed to be walking around the opposite office building, stopping from time to time and pointing at the second and third floors.

Jiang Can couldn't guess what they were doing. After a few minutes, the men finally left. After a long time, Jiang Can sat back in the living room.

She accidentally saw the camera on the coffee table, which was the one Jiang Can took it back last time from the globe from Yan Shi's office.

After being bored, she picked it up and played with it again. Jiang Can suddenly raised her head, and her eyes revealed a shrewd look.

If Jiang Can remembers correctly, those big men seem to have appeared the day after she took the camera back.

They stopped from time to time to look at the Yimian office building. Isn't that right opposite Yan Shi's office?

Jiang Can felt that there would never be such a coincidence in this world. If she guessed correctly, the group of people must have been sent by the person who installed the camera.

Because the camera was gone, that person couldn't continue to monitor Yan Shi, so he had to send someone over to take a look.

And because the group of people is not familiar with this place, it is estimated that they have not found the right time, so they have been looking for opportunities.

Jiang Can became more and more curious about this matter. Originally, she thought that she had finished talking with Yan Shi today and waited for Yan Shi to send his suit back, but Jiang Can didn't contact him too much.

Although it is a pity that it cannot continue to develop, Jiang Can still disdains to do things like twisting melons.

But now Jiang Can is interested in Yan Shi's identity again. She wants to know what kind of person someone like Yan Shi will offend, and whether it is the camera or the thug.

Since Jiang Can went up to the second floor, she didn't plan to come down until it was almost time to close the store.

Seeing those five big and three rough men enter the coffee shop, Jiang Can was afraid that her clerk would be bullied, and wanted to watch from the side to see what those people were going to do, so she went downstairs.

Those men were fierce and vicious, and at first glance they were not easy to mess with. After entering the store, Rong Rong and the others did not dare to come forward.

Not only because of their fierce looks, but also because the alpha pheromones in their bodies were mixed together, making Rong Rong and the others almost out of breath.

As soon as Jiang Can came out of the second floor, she smelled this disgusting smell, but Jiang Can could sense from their pheromones that these people were really not to be provoked.

Walking to the platform between the first and second floors, Jiang Can stretched out her hand to look at the restraint bracelet on her wrist, took it off without thinking, took a breath, and Jiang Can put the bracelet in her pocket.

The faint smell of lime and mint emanated from Jiang Can. Jiang Can slowly went downstairs step by step. She walked to the bar and glanced at the clerk who was hiding in fear. Jiang Can smiled slightly at them.

Picking up the wine list on the bar, Jiang Can said to them:

"Get off work, leave it to me here, you all go home."

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