


1 year old

"Lao Hua, my mother has returned to my hometown these two days. My family and I have to work overtime today. Can I entrust you to take care of Xiao Yu? We will pick her up immediately after work."

"No problem. Neighbours, taking care of one is to take care of the two. Your Xiao Yu is so well -behaved that she don't bother at all. It's not like my family. Alas, it's only a few days away from the birthday, why is there so much difference? Just let my family Xiao Yun learn, how can a girl be so noisy."

The little girl in pink children's clothes was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, but just after her parents put the unfamiliar baby boy next to her, the girl woke up and started crying without a word. The parents were grimacing and prepared to spend another half an hour coaxing people to sleep, but this time the savior came.

The boy was so harassed that he didn't even open his eyes. He frowned and slapped the face of the person beside him. The two sides exchanged a few words in baby language, and the little girl who was always difficult to coax actually slowly fell asleep again, which made the hard working parents feel fortunate for a while.

After that, the parents learned new tricks. As soon as the daughter cried, they went to the next door to move the rescuer and kept them to sleep within three minutes. The two children are still ignorant, but the relationship between their parents is getting better and better.

The first name that a 2 year old girl called out after she learned to speak was not Dad and Mom, but Xiaoyu. The stupid parents expressed their unhappiness and isolated them for three months until the child learned to call Dad, Mom, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle, and Aunt.

During the period, the time spent on coaxing and crying about Xiaoyu's little Hua Yun was 3 years more than the time when there was Xiaoyu in the past year. 

She is going to enter kindergarten. They learned on Baidu in advance that the child has just entered kindergarten on the first day. How difficult it would be to deal with and how loving a mother would be, Mother Hua who was ready to promise countless unequal treaties to coax her daughter into kindergarten. Arriving at the gate of the kindergarten, before waiting for the well-prepared life and death to begin, Hua Yun saw Qin Yu who was in the door at a glance, and she threw herself on him, without even looking at her mother.

Seeing her daughter enter the garden instantly and disappear from sight, Mother Hua feels that it is easy to save trouble, but why is she so aggrieved.

4 year old

Playing the game of running a house wine, the boys are vying to make a pair with the cute little Hua Yun who has big eyes, round face and tender skin and can squeeze water, but the "father" she chooses is always Xiaoyu, of course she is "mother". So the other boys were forced to be sons if they wanted to play together.

5 year old

The kindergarten teachers love the cute and sweet loli flower rhyme the most, and they will stuff her with a bunch of snacks every day. However, they are most at ease with Qin Yu, who always sits quietly and laughs. When other children fight, they will take the initiative to fight Qin Yu, so the position of monitor of the big class stil I falls to Xiao Yu.

Xiaoyun was a little unhappy when she heard the teachers' announcement, because she felt that the teachers didn't like her the most, but when she looked back and saw Qin Yu, she immediately forgot, the monitor can only be Xiaoyu's. Xiaoyu is the most powerful.

6 year old

They are about to enter elementary school. This time, Mother Hua who sent the child has dragged the Father Hua. Seeing her daughter pounce on the boy next door without looking back again, Father Hua said that anyone who kidnapped my daughter should be burned to death, and Mother Hua said that she should be embarrassed and not me alone.

7 year old

In order to save the kitten trapped in the tree, Xiao Yun bravely climbed up the tree, and then she couldn't get down. When Qin Yu found her, Hua Yun was already crying with tears all over her face, more like a cat than the kitten in her arms. Qin Yu put on a round face, sighed maturely, and hugged a pile of quilts, blankets and pillows from the house to cushion it. It took a lot of saliva to coax Hua Yun who was curled up on the tree to jump down, unscathed... 

However, it was only about one meter high, and it could not be seriously injured if it landed lightly without a cushion. But little Qin Yu was not happy that his little girl suffered a little injury, even if it was very troublesome to carry the heavy quilt over, explaining to his parents why the quilt was soiled and couldn't reveal the Hua Yun, it was even more troublesome to climb a tree.

8 year old

Little boys always use bullying methods to attract the attention of cute girls, but this often does not make them happy. Therefore, Hua Yun, who had her braids caught by the back of her chair, was forcibly torn off a few long hair when she stood up. She cried in pain for half a class. Qin Yu coaxed her for a long time and promised to help pick flowers, catch butterflies, buy snacks, etc. After a series of requests, she slowly stopped crying. Looking at the long hair falling from his hand, Qin Yu felt a little unhappy.

The boy in the back seat didn't understand why his well-hidden game cards were always discovered by his parents, and why every time he copied his homework, the teacher knew it, but he was always punished by standing and copying the text, but he had no time to tease Hua Yun. 

At the age of 9, there was an upsurge among parents to let their children go to extra classes, saying that they should not let their children lose at the starting line. At first, Xiaoyu and Xiaoyun both signed up for the Mathematical Olympiad class. They took several classes. Xiaoyu said that all the small cases were small, but Xiaoyun became mo re and more impatient. In the end, under the stalking of her daughter, Father Hua and Mother Hua gave up their dream of raising a little math genius. As her daughter randomly picked a piano class for her to play, she actually received praise from the teacher for her performance. It was a surprise.

Qin Yu gave up the classmates who were familiar with the children's library extracurricular class, and with Xiaoyun signed up for the Children's Palace's math Olympiad class, so they could go to school together on Saturday and go home together. The teacher in the library felt a pity and seriously persuaded him to stay, but he still insisted on changing classes.

If I don't follow, what will Xiaoyun do? Her p arents are too busy to take care of her, and she is so clingy and crying. If she's bullied, who will coax her? He completely forgot that he was only half a month older than Xiaoyun, he was her friend, not her father.

At the age of 10, Qin Yu made great progress in the Mathematical Olympiad class. Even the school heard about his results and sent him to participate in the Mathematical Olympiad competition for elementary school students in the city, and he came back with the first place. So he jumped from the introductory class to the intermediate Olympiad class and studied with a bunch of seniors.

Hua Yun felt that she had been left behind. Although she is very talented, she has been paddling, practicing and playing, so that her grades in the piano class are good, but not so outstanding. This time, she received an incentive to go home and practice the piano every day. It happened that the three-duty competition In the city started, and the teacher recommended her to go to the competition, and she also won the first prize. So she applied for a jump to the intermediate class, and of course she was approved.

Father Hua felt as if he got the right way to educate his daughter.

11 year old

Qin Yu, who was in the sixth grade, was promoted to the captain of the brigade smoothly after serving as the squad leader for three years, the study committee member of the brigade for one year, and the deputy captain of the brigade for one year, wearing three bars. Teachers have said that such a conscientious and responsible boy with excellent grades will definitely be an Alpha standing at the top of society.

Being a captain Qin Yu has more affairs than before, but Hua Yun doesn't care. She will play the piano in the music classroom next door when he has a meeting. Anyway, she will go home together, just in time to prepare for next year's provincial competition.

After playing for a long time, Hua Yun's love for the piano has become stronger and stronger. Every day she goes home, she presses and presses on the piano that her parents specially bought for her. It is not necessarily an etude, but sometimes it is just casual, but it sounds pretty good.

12 year old

At the age of 12, she entered junior high school. Qin Y lu was admitted to the best middle school in the city with his excellent grades. Hua Yun's grades on the piano were not enough to be recommended, but she was stared at by Xiao Yu every day for her studies. With the bottom line, Qin Yu and Hua Yun were admitted to a key class, and they were classmates again.

Qin Yu is very satisfied, and Hua Yun is also very satisfied. It is their new head teacher, who is a little worried watching the young children who get out of school and eat together all day long. However, they didn't have any intimate actions, and Qin Yu's grades were as extraordinary as ever, and he consciously urged Hua Yun to study hard outside of piano practice, so he was relieved for the time being.

13 year old

At the age of 13 ,in this year's City Mathematical Olympiad, Qin Yu was the first place in the junior high sch ool group. The school saw that this kid was talented, so they sent him to the high school competition group and let him listen to it for a few days. So the Olympiad group, which was full of high school students, had a little boy who hadn't drawn yet, but his face was squeezed a few times by the senior sister in the group because of the baby fat.

Hua Yun won the third place in the provincial competition. Given that the competition is a mixed ratio of students from middle and high schools, this result is something to be proud of. The teachers of the Children's Palace specially opened a small class for her, and planned to let her try the national competition next year, even if it didn't work out, it would be an exercise. With more practice, Xiaoyun is also happy. As long as she encounters the piano, she is happy. Even if she just repeats the same tune, she also thinks those black and white keys are especially cute. It's just that the two of them are busy and have less time to see Qin Yu. Now they still go to school together, but they can't finish school together. Fortunately, they are still neighbors, so they can say good night at night.

Every time after class, only her parents come to pick her up. When she can't see Qin Yu, Xiaoyun is a little depressed, but she knows that Xiaoyu is also studying hard, so she doesn't mention this sadness. The time to see him has become less, and she is busy telling him the happy things of the day. There is not enough time for laughing and acting like a spoiled child. How can she waste it on depression?

14 year old

Qin Yu's second gender has awakened, not the Alpha or Beta he always thought, but the Omega who is recognized as fragile and sensitive. When his first pheromone burst went limp, he felt that something was not right. Holding on to the remaining hope, he sprayed Alpha's father's inhibitor, to no avail. It wasn't until he swallowed the Omega mother's inhibitor that his body recovered. Qin Yu felt that the world and the future were different for a moment.

This kind of thing could not be concealed f rom his parents, and he was accompanied by his parents for an examination that day to determine the identity of Omega. That day was Saturday, Hua Yun went to class and didn't know abou it. Qin Yu asked his parents not to tell anyone his gender, let him speak for himself, understanding his pride his parents acquiesced.

Although in the modern age where inhibitors are developed, Omega has also gotten rid of it's identity as a fertility machine and can go out to work normally, just need to swallow the inhibitor on time according to the estrus period. Although they are often inferior to Alpha and Beta in terms of science and other aspects, they can often make better achievements than Alpha and Beta in terms of sensibility. But after all, the traditional thinking has not been eliminated for many years, and the discrimination on the surface is gone, but Omegas still cannot enjoy the same treatment as the other two genders - from, those with estrus instinct will be marked as possessed and high fertility rate; on the other hand, they also had to be weaker than Alpha.

This made Qin Yu, who had been standing on the top floor since he was a child, very uncomfortable, so he subconsciously concealed the news. Although Hua Yun felt a little wrong, she believed that he had never deceived her and hurt her. She just thought that he was a little tired from studying and comforted him a few words. Originally, boys' gender awakening was relatively late. There were very few 14 year olds who awakened, and Hua Yun didn't think in that direction.

15 year old

Hua Yun played perfectly all the way in the national-level competition, but she actually came to the end. Although she was in second place, the opponent was already twenty-three or four, and her skill was basically better than her, but she was not as good as her in terms of emotional expression. This achievement aroused the attention of a national treasure-level old professor at the Central Conservatory of Music. She specially asked her to play a few songs. Although the skills were not perfect, the abundant emotions were fully displayed, and she tried to let her play a song freely without the scores. Hua Yun usually does this kind of thing a lot, raising her hand is a paragraph, although it is still a bit jerky, but the creative ability and the spiritual energy contained in it are indeed unmatched by many old musicians. She felt natural to herself, but the old professor slapped the thigh in surprise, and was overjoyed to accept her as a closed-door disciple, intending to do her best to see if she could produce a Chinese Beethoven.

Qin Yu packed up his mood, and he was more ruthless than before in studying the Olympiad. He still wanted to prove vaguely that even if he was an Omega, he could do no worse than an Alpha. Xiaoyun's results stimulated him again.

When I make enough achievements, I will tell Xiaoyun my gender, he thought. Even if he knew Hua Yun would not discriminate against him, the gender pressure still left a small shadow on him.

16 year old

After a day of study, Qin Yu just came home, took out the key and hadn't opened the door, when Hua Yun, who heard the sound and ran out, threw herself on the door. The sweet fragrance of flowers rushed towards him, making Qin Yu a little dazed. Hua Yun's surprise talk made him immediately understand the reason for the trance.

Hua Yun's second gender has awakened, she is an Alpha. The floral scent was the smell of pheromones that hadn't completely subsided after she sprayed the inhibitor. Fortunately, the concentration of pheromone is not very large. Fortunately, I just swallowed the inhibitor, Qin Yu thought vaguely.

Although Alpha's talent in art is not very outstanding, as a top player, Alpha is always indispensable among the best in each field. What's more, as a rare Alpha, they are always respected and treated favorably in society.

Her pheromone exploded when she was practicing at the tutor's house. After the tutor quickly took the inhibitor to suppress her, every member of the tutor's family gave her sincere blessings and tolerantly let her leave for one night. She went home and told her parents.

Father and Mother Hua were working over time again, so she kept listening, waiting for Qin Yu to come back.

Hua Yun wanted to tell Qin Yu the good news first. But it's not because she's an Alpha, the little girl who grew up in the ivory tower doesn't understand the gender gap so well, she just feels that she has awakened the second gender, which symbolizes that she has grown up.

After all, it is he who loves the girl who grew up. Looking at her expectant eyes, Qin Yu gave her the most sincere smile and congratulations. He didn't feel malicious because of this kind of thing, but the intensity of his studies increased again.

17 year old

Effort is a necessary factor for success, but sometimes no amount of effort can match the innate talent, especially in the field of art that requires aura. And when the talent is also diligent, the gap is inevitably disappointing.

Since the awakening of gender, Hua Yun has been working hard to assume the identity of Alpha. She tries to be airy, calm, and learns to be as reliable as society thinks of a good alpha, even if it really doesn't fit her character.

With her rare musical talent, her lovable and lovely face, and a closed-door disciple who was still a minor, the teacher couldn't help but give her more favor and care. Facing the secret jealousy and exclusion that was born from it, it was not that she didn't know nothing.

It's not that she is not aggrieved. Sometimes she wants to tell the teacher directly, complaining like a spoiled child like before, but every time she is praised "You're getting more and more calm, so good, you deserve to be an Alpha." Being taught, "Senior sister most of the senior sisters are Omegas, so be more forgiving if they get emotional sometimes." This kind of expectation always made her endure the anguish in her heart and put on a sweet smile again, as if she didn't know anything.

But in the dead of night, she couldn't help but think, if only I wasn't an Alpha, if I were an Omega, I could just lose my temper, instead of pretending to forgive their 'carelessness'. This kind of thing is wrong, it has nothing to do with gender, gender is not a reason to make trouble.

This kind of words can't be said to teachers and parents. They are happy for their 'growth and maturity' after their gender awakening, and Hua Yun doesn't want them to be disappointed. She originally wanted to tell Qin Yu, but seeing that he was so busy for the national competition recently, his brows were tired every time they met, and Hua Yun swallowed the words again, leaving only those happy memories to share with him.

But Hua Yun didn't realize that pampering would only make things worse.

So when Qin Yu was at home alone and heard the door slamming, he couldn't react, and saw Hua Yun, who was supposed to be in class, rush in, jumped into his arms without raising his head, hugged his waist and started howling. 

Qin Yu tried to comfort her and asked her what happened, but this time Hua Yun didn't say anything, just kept crying until her voice became hoarse and refused to stop.

Seeing his beloved little girl crying miserably, Qin Yu felt that he was going to cry too. Seeing that this would not work, he held up Hua Yun's face, looked into her eyes as sincerely as possible, and comforted her with the gentlest voice. "Don't cry, just tell me if you have anything, I'll always be by your side."

Hua Yun's cry paused for a few seconds, but when Qin Yu was relieved, a stronger cry broke out. In the face of Qin Yu who can be trusted and relied on, the grievances that have been forced to be strong for a long time have been completely vented.

What can I do, what if I let her cry and hurt her throat? Qin Yu sighed.

Then he kissed her in a weird way. Soft, it was his first feeling, then the bitter salty taste of tears.

It wasn't such a sweet kiss, the two simply rubbed each other with their lips, and the soft love and pity passed along the connected lips to the girl's stormy heart, successfully comforting her. The shock made her stop crying, and the shyness that followed took her out of the situation subconsciously.

Qin Yu, who was broken free, felt a little regretful. It's long overdue, he thought, and then he tried to calm down and re-inquire about the cause, forcing himself to ignore his hot cheeks.

Hua Yun's eyes were a little erratic, and every time it floated on Qin Yu's face, she jumped away like a rabbit, and moved back and escaped. After a few seconds, she began to talk about her grievances intermittently, without mentioning a word about the situation just now. The whole time they acted like the scene with the pink bubbles just now was an illusion.

At the end of the conversation, Qin Yu insisted on sending it out. When he came to the door, he said his goodbye words, and he finally couldn't hold back the surging emotions in his heart;


It seemed to be just a calm confession, not even trembling at the end of the sentence, if you ignore his tightly clenched fist.

Hua Yun blushed again, she wanted to turn her head and run into her house, but the final words was indeed a firm answer.

"Okay." The words brought a calmness: "Aren't we together all the time?"

An irresistible smile appeared on Qin Yu's serious face, "Well, we have always been together, and we will always be together."

Later, Qin Yu took time to visit Hua Yun's teacher and senior brothers and sisters, and then things like that disappeared. Hua Yun didn't know how he did it, but she always trusted Qin Yu in this regard. I still have to leave things to the right people. I just need to concentrate on the piano and not let Xiaoyu worry about it. Let the past go. On the contrary, the teacher does not always ask her to use the traditional Alpha standard, and it is not bad not to always pretend to be generous and reliable.

18 year old

After more than a year of mental construction, Qin Yu has calmly accepted his Omega status and wanted to tell Hua Yun for a long time. But both of them are in the third year of high school and have competitions, and they are both busy. As soon as they meet, they start to hurry up and be sweet, and they often don't think of it until they say goodbye. This kind of thing, he didn't want to tell it hastily over the phone, but it was delayed for another year.

In the end, it ended with the sudden outbreak of his estrus. He was busy with competitions for more than a month, and the hormonal imbalance caused by exhaustion and stress made his usual estrus come earlier.

Fortunately, he was at home, not in a public place. Unfortunately, Hua Yun was by his side at this time. Maybe not unfortunate.

At the beginning, when she smelled the faint scent of books and ink, Hua Yun couldn't react to what happened, but felt a little anxious in her body, as if she was longing for something, and her own pheromones burst out inexplicably.

Omega is always a little slower than Alpha to respond to his own pheromones, but when he smelled the long-lost fragrance of flowers, Qin Yu still reacted in time, rushed into the bedroom in a hurry and took the inhibitor and swallowed it directly. In full estrus, the inhibitor can still take effect. After taking a few steps, he remembered so mething again, turned around and entered his parents' room, touched his father's Alpha inhibitor, and sprayed directly on Hua Yun that he had not woken up to.

This time Hua Yun always reacted. She widened her eyes, and her voice was full of surprise: "Xiaoyu, you, are you an Omega?"

In this way, Qin Yu, who has always been calm, was inevitably a little embarrassed. He nodded and waited silently for Hua Yun's reaction. He didn't worry about discrimination, but if Hua Yun was going to treat him with the same care as those Omegas before, he would have to let her know that it doesn't matter who is stronger and more reliable.

"Great!" Hua Yun stood up suddenly in surprise, and circled around him happily, the end of her hair brushing the tip of his nose, and the faint scent of flowers made him hurriedly press down on his heart.

Qin Yu was a little puzzled. He felt that the joy was not simply because of the awakening of the second gender.

"I've always been worried about what would you do if you were an Alpha, Xiaoyu. Although we won't be separated, we won't be able to get married and have children. The National Marriage Law does not allow two Alphas to get married. It's great that you are an Omega, Xiaoyu! Beta is okay, AB still has family planning, AO can have two children!"

Qin Yu laughed, he always knew the gender of both parties, so he never worried about such a thing. It turns out that this is what Xiaoyun has been worrying about, and he would have said it earlier if he knew it.

But Xiao Yun, who is simply happy to get married and have a second child, is so cute.
Finally the last bit of resentment about gender in his heart disappeared. It doesn't matter what other people think about it and how society thinks about it. The people closest to me never care a bout this kind of thing. For us, maybe the Omega's gender is the gift.

19 year old

They went to university in the same city. The only difference was that one studied mathematics at the highest institution, and the other studied at the conservatory of music. They lived in a dormitory for a year and finally chose to move out and share an apartment.

In other words, they live together. So what happens is logical.

The first intimate contact began with another chaotic estrus. Like the confession, it happened in the apartment where the two were alone. The only difference was that this time they did not swallow the inhibitor quickly, but tacitly acquiesced that everything happened naturally..

At the beginning, Qin Yu was the one who took the initiative, and Hua Yun also accepted his kisses and touch obediently. But with the deepening of the estrus period, the push of instinct made them gradually lose their minds.

Beginners were finally unable to resist the temptation of instinct, and the situation was reversed.

So when Qin Yu unconsciously took the initiative to let the girl who was a head shorter than him enter, he was a little helpless, it seemed that his self-control was not enough.

Soon he couldn't think about anything. When he was approaching his peak, he vaguely heard Hua Yun talking, in the soft, coquettish tone that he always used to ask himself for something. He tried to listen, but his confused consciousness made him unable to grasp the meaning of the sentence for a while. So Hua Yun said it again.

"Xiaoyu...let me tag you, okay~" The tone rose sweetly at the end of the sentence. This time he heard.

He has never refused any request from Hua Yun, no matter how self-willed, this time was no exception. Even if it made him feel some inexplicable violation at first glance, he would not refuse. This was a decision he had long thought about and determined. Not because Omegas crave to be marked by Alpha, but because they want to bond with loved ones.

Gasping prevented him from uttering complete words, he could only nod his head haphazardly.

When the final mark was completed, the two sides felt something different in the air. It was an indescribable feeling. The two people who were very close in spirit also established the most intimate connection physically at this time. This made them both extremely satisfied. If it's her, what does Omega have to do with it?

But when they temporarily went to buy emergency contraceptives the next day, the owner who was forced to take the pills looked at him ambiguous and suggested to take measures in advance next time, Qin Yu couldn't help but turn dark.

20 year old 

After accumulating experience many times, they were finally able to overcome their instinctive desires with reason, so in the non-estrus period, the top one became Qin Yu. Qin Yu's satisfied feeling is finally right, and Hua Yun is also very happy. Xiaoyu's leading technology is much better than hers. Besides, it's really tiring to be in the upper position. She has no so-called Alpha pride at all.

But in heat, they are forced to succumb to their instincts.

Lovers, it's good to have come and go, isn't it!? 

25 year old

They got married.

People who know a little bit know that they are a traditional AO pairing, and naturally send their blessings, but it seems that many people do it the other way?

Looking at the lovely bride with oval face and big eyes, and the dignified and prudent groom, the parents of the Qin family and the Hua family felt completely understandable.

So they don't explain it. It's fun to make people misunderstand so much, isn't it?

27 year old

Their first child was born. It was a girl who looked very much like her father. The elders commented that she was just like Qin Yu when he was a child. She was well-behaved and obedient and took good care of her.

During Qin Yu's pregnancy, every time someone saw him, not Hua Yun, with a belly sticking out, they had a broken look on their face, but it entertained the couple.

The other AO couples were all irritable and sensitive during their pregnancy. Alpha comforted them, but on their side, it was the other way around. Hua Yun couldn't let go of her heart all day. Instead, Qin Yu calmly appeased her.

30 year old

Their second child was born.

But this time it was Hua Yun who was pregnant.

When Hua Yun went to the hospital for a checkup because of physical discomfort, but was found to be pregnant, everyone felt bad. Although it is theoretically possible for a female Alpha to conceive, the possibility is so small that it is almost negligible. What's more, how can Omega get Alpha pregnant in a normal AO marriage. How many times have they worked hard to get pregnant?

Alpha pregnancy is rare, and it is considered an advanced mother. Hua Yun, who is already famous in the world, simply pushes all the entertainment concerts to focus on raising the baby. Qin Yu, who was still very calm about his pregnancy, panicked at this time, coaxing his Alpha wife, who was more sensitive and delicate during pregnancy, in a different way every day.

Different from the last peaceful and smooth pregnancy, Hua Yun's pregnancy reaction was very heavy this time. After ten months of tossing, she was taken care of and gained weight, and Qin Yu lost seven pounds.

This child is a son, and he is more noisy than Hua Yun when she was a child. After a little peace of mind, they realized the turmoil of being a parent. Fortunately, there is a sister who can coax him.

40 year old

Since the country only allows AO pairs to have a second child, so if you know that they hav e two children, even if you are unfamiliar, you can probably guess their gender. Unfortunately, who is A and who is O, no one has ever been able to figure it out at once.

50 year old

Their sons and daughters are gradually becoming independent. Going to university and working have slowly calmed down the lively home for many years.

However, the mathematician and musician are not afraid of old careers, and their fulfilling careers make them less free and lonely.

What's more, they still have each other, from the beginning to the end, they will join hands all the way.

60 year old

The romantic and naive life of Hua Yun didn't know what magazines she read, and proposed a second honeymoon on a whim. While she was not too old and had physical strength, she seized the time to travel around the world, and revisited the past sweetly to appreciate the beautiful rivers and mountains around the world.

So they repeated the route of the honeymoon that year, and took pictures again in every place of the year, and photoshop together the people in the photos of the past and the present, it is not interesting.

After that, they used the method of rolling dice to choose places on the world map, and they went back to work for a few months and then went out to play. In a few years, they played in more places than in the past few decades.

70 year old

Their brains are gradually becoming less sensitive, and they feel that it is almost time to retire.

They are old and in poor health, and their time to go out to play has also decreased a lot. In their spare time, they mostly take apprentices. After all, they still have a lot of valuable lessons from their years of experience. 

No matter how idle they were, they also recalled the past. Everything in the past was integrated into each other's shadow. Every time they talked and looked at each other and smiled, even their children couldn't get in in that atmosphere.

80 year old

People say that the elderly can feel their deadline, so when they suddenly called their children to come back to accompany them, the children understood what they were doing, and hurriedly asked for leave and brought their grandchildren back to them. Lived at home for decades, chatting with each other every day.

There is no disease, it's just simple aging, their energy is slowly running down, they will fall asleep while talking, and then wake up again after ten minutes. If they didn't wake up for half an hour, the children would take them to bed to rest.

Another day, the setting sun came in softly from the window, making people drowsy. This time, when they fell asleep while chatting again, and didn't wake up for half an hour, the children came up and wanted to pick them up. But this time they felt different.

This old couple both passed away on a dull evening. They have been together for a lifetime, and in the end, they also embarked on the road of departure together hand in hand.

The sons and daughters mixed their ashes according to their instructions, threw part of them into the sea, and buried the rest in an urn with their names on the tombstones, standing side by side.

Childhood sweethearts, juvenile couples, and finally old partners, this is a somewhat special AO pairing, in love and happiness, all the way to the end.


  1. The last part got me crying 😢 😢

  2. This was so sweet, thank you for sharing this lovely story

  3. I loved this story...its a warm story.


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